BIK BITV / WCAG Test (Web)
The BIK BITV Test (Web) shows how accessible your web site or web application is. It helps determine its conformance to BITV 2.0 / EN 301 549 and supports you in improving its accessibility.
Use the BIK BITV (or its sibling, the BIK WCAG test) to find out the level of accessibility of your web site or application. Our detailed test reports identify and describe issues and show your team what needs to be done next. Where possible, we include useful hints for remediation and link to best practice examples.
The BIK BITV / EN 301 549 test can also be used to provide evidence of conformance to the European Norm EN 301 549 which forms the basis of the German BITV regulation. When your page sample is representative, you can publish the test report and communicate the result to the public using our widely acknowledged test mark.
We offer the following test variants:
BIK BITV Test (Web): The BIK BITV test (web) covers the requirements of BITV 2.0, which references EN 301 549 V3.2.1 (PDF).
BIK BITV Test + WCAG 2.2 (Web): The BIK BITV test + WCAG 2.2 (Web) covers the requirements of EN 301 549 V3.2.1 and in addition the six additional requirements of WCAG 2.2 (conformance level AA). An updated version of the European standard that will contain the new WCAG 2.2 requirements is expected in 2025. With this test procedure, you can already include them now it order to future-proof your product.
BIK WCAG-Test (Web): The coverage of the BIK WCAG test (web) is limited to the requirements of WCAG 2.2. The additional requirements of the EN 301 549 are not included. Please note that public bodies throughout the EU are obliged to conform to the European standard (EN 301 549).
We will provide you with a detailed test report in a sortable HTML format and accessible PDF format.
An issue export is available for JIRA and GitLab.
Detailed comments, tips and references to best practice examples provide expert support for remidiation.
Granular issue reporting makes it easier for you to process the audit results.
You can display the HTML report in different views, filter it and (for representative tests) link to it as a proof of conformance.
On request we can provide the full test report in English.
For all those who do not want the test report to refer to the German BITV regulation (e.g., because they operate abroad), we offer the EN 301 549 or WCAG test.
Each BIK BITV / EN 301 549 or WCAG test is quality assured by an external BIK test centre with quality assurance competence.
As part of the ongoing evaluation of our methodology, we are in exchange with experts from our nationwide BIK test network. We always aim for an international consensus position by liasing with the international Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AGWG) of W3C.
Finally, you benefit from our transparent testing procedure, which has been operating for more than 20 years, as well as from qualified and experienced testers.
The procedure
Please use our enquiry form.
We need access to your web site or app in order to work out a page sample and in turn, arrive at a the quote. Please provide us with the necessary access when making your enquiry.
If you would like us to test a reduced page sample, or a specific page sample provided by you, please let us know when you make your request (the test report in this case cannot be published).
We or one of our qualified BIK BITV test centres will then contact you.
You will receive a quote based on the representative or reduced page sample as applicable.
The test results are determined by expert evaluation, not by running the various automated test tools available which cannot cover many of the requirements. Of course, our expert testing makes use of automated checks where possible, using various bookmarklets, browser add-ons and other tools.
- Once your order is placed, the test can begin. The total duration will depend on the complexity of the test. It will also depend on the work load of the BIK test centre: There may be other tests in line to be completed before yours can start. Commonly, a test will take 4-6 weeks for completion (including quality assurance).
Once the test has been completed, we will send you a password-protected HTML and PDF test report.
Once you have reviewed the test report, let us know if you would like it to be published (this requires that the test is representative). We will then add the test to our list of results. For represnetative tests, you can include the test mark that must link to the test report.
If you would like a further test after the website has been remidiated, please contact us again. We will then prepare another quote.
If the result for each tested site is 'conformant', we will be happy to add the site and the implementing agency to the list "Sites & Agencies". Please let us know if you would like to be listed after the project has been completed. We will need details of the implementing agency and the CMS used.
We calculate the cost of a BIK BITV or WCAG test individually for your website. In order to do this, we or the test centres cooperating with us should be able to inspect the pages to be tested.
The price of a BITV Test results from
a base fee (for administrative and communication costs)
the number of pages to be tested, and
the level of complexity for each page in the sample (I, II, III or IV for complex web applications, see pricing table).
Additional cost, usually reflected in the base fee, may be incurred when
Testing of web applications different various password-protected use cases (e.g., end user, editor, or administrative access)
Tests that need to be carried out via VPN, with a fixed IP address or on site,
Apps that restrict or do impede the use of certain test tools or
Tests with an increased need for advice in advance, for example, on page sample.
Tests where changes of the object under test are unavoidable
Due to these factors, it is usually not possbible to offer a fixed pricing scheme.
The basic price per page stated here is merely indicative. The test centres are free to deviate from the indicative base price in their offers.
Page prices
Complexity | Techniques (Examples) | Factor | BITV Test | BITV Test + WCAG 2.2 |
I | Simple HTML | x 1 | 420 Euro | 450 Euro |
II | Extensive pages, pages with dynamic content elements | x 1,5 | 630 Euro | 675 Euro |
III | Extensive or complex pages, pages with various dynamic content elements | x 2 | 840 Euro | 900 Euro |
IV | Pages or views of complex web applications, multi-level processes, pages with extensive content or many dynamic content elements | — | Price is based on the estimated effort required for testing | Price is based on the estimated effort required for testing |
For the WCAG-Test, there is a discount of 10% on the base price of a page due to the lower number or test steps.
Page sample
For representative tests, the BIK test centre identifies the pages that should be included in the sample to reflect a full coverage of all relevant aspects of the product or service. The selection happens independently. This means that the customer will be informed of the number of pages in the sample, but not the specific page selection. The results of representative tests can be published and the test mark (which must link to the online test report) can be used.
For a test whose results are for internal use only (i.e. the test report cannot be published), you can specify the pages to be tested or ask the test centre to work on a reduced sample.
Complexity levels
Each page to be tested is assigned a level of complexity based on the content and techniques used. There are four levels of complexity. Level I is the base price. Complexity levels lI - III increase the base price by a factor of 1.5 or 2 respectively. Complexity level IV is for complex web applications or pages that invoke a series of states or processes. Here, the factor on the base price is calculated according to the estimated testing effort.
![[Translate to English:] Portrait Sonja Weckenmann](/fileadmin/user_upload/bilder/portraits/sonja-4.jpg)
Want to get a quote for a BITV or WCAG Test?
Thank you for your interest in a BIK BITV / EN 301 549 or WCAG test. Please complete our enquiry form. We or one of our cooperating and authorised test centres will contact you as soon as possible.