BIK Usability Test

A BIK Usability Test establishes the degree of usability of your web site or application for a range of users with disabilities, based on a set of defined tasks.

Our Usability Tests offers insights into the experience of users with disabilities who need accessibility. It helps you to

  • Make sure that your site or app can be used with the changes in settings or assisitive technologies that users with disabilities commonly need

  • Verify that technical accessibility actually translates into a usable experience, and highlight areas where more needs to be done

  • Get feedback on how efficient and satisfactory the use of your site or app is for people with disabilities, and identify areas where processes can be improved

  • Get ideas for functions and solutions that work well for by users with disabilities (and perhaps make them part of your next release)

  • Better understand the various realities of use and the impact on the quality of life for people with disabilities

Our Services

  • We support you in the design of your usability tests (e.g., by defining, together with you, the tasks you want to focus on)

  • We work with you to develop a suitable anf efficient profile of the user group

  • We recruit the test subjects from our pool of test subjects with disabilities

  • We develop the actual test procedure based on your questions and the tasks defined

  • We validate the test procedure in advance in internal pre-tests

  • We are available with our expertise for moderated usability tests and for self-directed usability tests

  • We analyse test results and identify genuine usability issues (as opposed to technical barriers that may remain)

  • You benefit from the specialists' knowledge and practical experience that we have established over the years in our research project Team Usability

Moderated Usability Tests

  • We take care of planning the test sessions. They take place either as an online conference in Zoom or as an on-site test.

  • The tests usually last 45 to 60 minutes and are moderated by us. If the test subject agrees, we will record the test session.

  • Would you like to be present as a silent observer? This is usually okay for the test subjects (especially if the session takes place online).

  • On request, we will provide you with a detailed final report as a PDF document containing an evaluation and classification of the results as well as recommendations for optimization.

Self-moderated Usability Tests

When you prefer self-moderated usability tests:

  • We advise you in the definition of tasks and questions.

  • We send the tasks and instructions to the test group.

  • We collect the written feedback after an agreed period of time.

  • On request, we can also prepare a detailed final report as a PDF document containing an evaluation and classification of the results as well as recommendations for optimization.


  1. Contact us via our contact form and tell us what you want us to do.
  2. We then get in touch to answer the following questions:

    • Is the site or app to be tested sufficiently accessible for a usability test?

    • Do you want to identify specific usability weaknesses or any outstanding accessibility issues, or do you “just” want to raise awareness for your team (get to know different modes of use of people with disabilities)?

      Which test format do you prefer?

      How many tasks are planned (and how complex and time-consuming are they)?

      Which and how many test subjects with disabilities should we involve?

  3. Depending on your answers, we will send you an offer.

  4. Once the offer has been accepted, the planning, implementation and evaluation of the usability test will take around 4 to 10 weeks, depending on the test format and scope.


Quotations are prepared individually and reflect your requirements. Our offers are generally made up of the following components:

  • Concept and development of the test procedure, pre-test (per hour / 120 euros)

  • Planning and execution of the usability tests (per test person / from 500 euros)

  • Expense allowance for the test persons (per test person / 50 euros)

  • Evaluation and reporting (per test person / from 600 euros)

The interpretation of the results of usability tests with people with disabilities is more complex when compared to conventional usability tests, since often, post-test with an expert, code analyses etc. have to be carried out to evaluate problems in use. For this purpose, we can call in our BITV testers with many years of testing experience. The costs for the evaluation and reporting can therefore vary depending on the scope and complexity of the tasks performed.

[Translate to English:] Portrait Simone Lerche
Simone Lerche
IAAP Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competency (CPACC)

Want to get a quote for a Usability Test?

Thank you for your interest in a usability test with test persons with disabilities. Please fill out our request form. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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